
Topic: Branding

Internal Brand Re-launch - Financial Services

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have been tasked with developing a proposal of ideas for launching a new brand identity and brand values internally at the Financial Services company I work for.

The requirement is to suggest ideas for an event that will engage up to 200 staff members and encourage them to get behind the new brand positioning of 'Superior Quality'. A number of brand values have been developed for the new positioning including 'Forward thinking', 'Customer first' and 'Teamwork'. The main challenge is how to engage staff in what is essentially a dry subject. Does anyone have any innovative ways to get people interested in the subject of financial services? Or even ways to get people interacting with the new brand in a playful way?

The mix of people in the company is vast. We have some very sociable and lively members of the team whilst others are more shy. I'd like to avoid getting people too involved if it'll make them uncomfortable and I'd definitely like to avoid anything too cheesy.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Many thanks in advance
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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    Perhaps part of the reason it is a "dry subject' is because it is a generic position. Don't you think your financial services competitors also want to be known for "superior quality" and your staff wants to be known for being forward thinking, putting the customer first and their teamwork. These are all "me too" positions. Why would they get excited about that.

    I recommend you go back to the drawing board and come up with a real positioning strategy before you attempt to rally the troops with a brand relaunch.


  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Steve is absolutely right. Your "dry subject" is a direct reflection of your vacuous brand positioning. If you had a REAL, MEANINGFUL, DISTINCTIVE and BENEFIT-ORIENTED positioning, it would be not be dry and everyone would be EAGER to get involved.

    My advice: Go back to whomever tasked you with this project and tell him/her that it is impossible to make a mashed potato sandwich on white bread taste like a savory steak dinner.

    The internal relaunch project will be a direct reflection of the underlying positioning, and the positioning is "motherhood" -- something everyone claims and that is not distinctive or unique -- and certainly not competitive.
  • Posted byilanon Accepted
    You need someone from the outside to direct you.
    There is no way a company like yours can take care of a heavy subject such as internal branding.
    From your "brief", it sounds like not only you are a "dry subject" company, but most your employees are not engaged.
    The fact that you say that you need to "encourage them to get behind the new brand positioning of 'Superior Quality' "if this is your new brand positioning, if this is what you need to encourage employees to be, I know I will never be your customer.
    Only an expert from the outside, working directly with your CEO and with his 100% approval and involvement can save your brand. Good luck.

  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    Face it - the business of financial services is not glamorous. You will have to make it "fun" -- maybe tongue-and-cheek competitive to get staff members excited.

    Consider ways customers would be happy with their financial services professional and implement those into your program. What you communicate in-house will reflect to customers.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    In what way do you offer "superior quality" and to whom is it "superior?" How do you support the claim? Are you prepared to guarantee a superior benefit to your target audience?

    If you can be very specific and turn this into a competitive claim with teeth, you might have something people can get excited about.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Steve and thank you very much for your response. I unfortunately entirely agree with your comment but I'm not in a position to suggest that the brand project is started from scratch.

    恐怕说一个机构实际上是外商ed in this before my time but not a branding one. It was an advertising agency that came up with the positioning, which in my mind was the first mistake.

    Thank you for your suggestion but I'm afraid I'm going to have to try my best to work with what we have. Thanks for your time.

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