
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help Brainstorm For Dog Daycare/hotel Names.

发布的ashxmarieon 250 Points
I understand that the thought of a dog hotel is somewhat absurd, but I work at one and have become increasingly interested in starting my own. The one I currently am employed at has a name that is more fun and puppy-esque.

I am looking for a name that implies luxury, comfort, and sophistication. This dog hotel isn't just going to be a place for Fifi to come and be pampered, but it will also be a place for dogs who like to get down and dirty and will be allowed to play in nature.

I have a nice tagline already in mind; "in the lap of luxury"
I thought it fit well with what my main idea was.

I live in the eastern US.
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  • 发布的mgoodmanon Accepted
    Who are the people in your target audience? Where do they take their dogs now? Who is the competition (other than the place where you work now)? How are you planning to get the word out to prospective customers? How will they learn about you?

    The name should clearly state what you do and what key benefit your customers will realize. This isn't a time for "cute" names -- especially if you want a high-end, luxurious positioning.

    You might want to include a reference to the location in your name. "Cityname Dog Palace" is the direction I'd take. Not "The Cityname Heel-ton." The latter is too cute, while the former tells your story clearly.
  • 发布的NovaHammeron Accepted
    City name, Inn On The Bark.
  • 发布的mvaedeon Accepted
    Bark Palace

    Rex' Mansion

    A dog's best place

    either one of these followed by a tag line, such as
    "Where nature and comfort rejuvenates"

    B2B Marketing
  • 发布的ashxmarieon Author
    I'm sorry I didn't elaborate any further; but I am also going to incorporate a boutique of sorts and a rescue organization. Any way that I could have three names that work very well together or perhaps one versatile name would be perfect.

    There is a dog hotel in Chicago named Stay, where they also have a veterinary hospital named Heal, and a rescue named Found. If that will help with any ideas.

    Thank you for time and interest.
  • 发布的sarvavelamurion Accepted



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