
Topic: Strategy

How To Get Offshore Clients?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I work for a company that provides independent and full time software testing services. Part of our 2012 goal is expanding our client base by going global. I'm new to our company's Business Development team and the pressure's really on. Hope you guys can help. Thanks.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Can you focus on existing (or past) clients who have offices overseas? That will provide an in-house "warm" introduction to prospects.

    Can you focus on a niche that you serve well now, but expand to a new country/region that is underserved?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Get out from behind your desk and go to where your target audience is. If they're offshore, then that's where you need to be.

    Talk to the target audience one-on-one. Find out what make them tick, how they make decisions, what their greatest unmet needs are, which suppliers they are using now, which are good and which are not-so-good (and WHY). Don't make this a sales call. Just ask your questions, listen carefully to their responses, and take detailed notes.

    You will learn an incredible amount from those interviews. And take great notes (i.e., lots of details). When you've completed a few dozen interviews, review your notes. They'll contain a lot of good direction for how to approach and serve your new market. You may find that the answers are different in different markets. "Offshore" is a big and diverse place.
  • Posted on Accepted

    That's a little challenging task you guys have taken, but it's worth taken.. It's going to be a long and lengthy process before you get your first client...

    First you need to target specific region and country, definitively you would be having some industry choosen..

    Target companies who do a lot of outsourcing for their IT services. Mainly companies do outsourcing to India. There you will get lot of ideas and leads.

    Also you can target companies who can internally outsource the work to you. Lot of SI IT companies do this kind of further Outsourcing. You can look out for such companies.

    You have to go long way....

    Hope this will help you..

    Nishant Manchanda
  • Posted on Author
    Jay Hamilton-Roth - Thank you for your answer. As far as growing existing clients, I'm actually tasked to acquire new business (that's also one of my concerns). But focusing on our niche is a good advise, we mainly serve companies in the software development industry. So I'm gonna start with that.

    mgoodman - Thank you for your answer. I'm used to local clients so I guess 'reaching my customers' is also a part I'm concerned about. I know our product and our market but since going global is a totally new arena for me, I want to make sure that my first step is worth it. I would definitely forward your suggestion to my boss and if she will approve it, I owe you my first offshore exposure!

    Nisman——谢谢你的回答。这也是what I'm thinking - a long sales cycle. I agree with you, India has the largest market share for outsourced software testing services. If only I could get advise from those guys. Nevertheless, market segmentation by location is also a good start. I'll keep that in mind.

    All - While doing my research, I came across 'Outsourcing Intermediaries/Agents'. What are your thoughts about these middlemen? Can they get the job done? Thanks!

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