
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name And Tagline For New Solo Consultancy

Posted bytyeanalyticson 25 Points
I am starting up a solo consultancy business in the data science area. I would like some ideas for a brand and a tagline.
Initially I will be working in the health sector helping NGOs with their data collection, storage, analysis and reporting, but envisage branching out in to other industries targetting not for profits, small to medium size enterprises and government. I will leverage my statistical, business intelligence and machine learning skills.
I have been tentatively using "Tye Analytics" or "Tye Data Analytics" as a possible name (my surname), to give a more personel touch. I think that not been associated with one of the big players will be a selling point.
For a tagline I have thought of "Turning data into insights".
Keen for feedback and ideas.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Why would someone want to hire you instead of your competition?
    Why should they trust your insights?
    "Turning data into insights" sounds a bit vague - couldn't your competition say the same thing?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    1. Using your name will certainly set you apart from your competition, but it doesn't do much for communicating a relevant message to your prospective customers. It also won't help you create a transferable image should you someday decide to sell the brand/company.

    2. "Turning data into insights" isn't very distinctive. Isn't that what everyone in your business claims? How does that set you apart?

    3. What important and unique benefit can your clients expect when they hire you?

    4. You may need to hire a naming expert for this one. It will require that someone who understands naming (and tagline creation) dig into whatever it is that makes you distinctive -- the important and compelling benefit that is unique to you.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    What do the people you serve need doing?
  • Posted bytyeanalyticson Author
    Thanks for the responses everyone. That's good feedback. Here's a bit more detail.

    I'm targetting small organisations that have limited or no internal data-related technical capability. My intention is to act as an advisor, helping these organisations become more efficient and sophisticated with their data related activities. This might involve writing functional requirements, writing scripts to automate time-intensive manual tasks, integrating customised analysis and reporting layers to improve operational efficiency and provide insights for decision-making or just to advise on smaller collection, storage, analysis or reporting improvements.

    An example of the sort of things I do; an organisation was employing four people to maintain three similar databases. I consolidated them into one database and replicated their reporting requirements.

    I guess to a degree I am selling myself. I have almost 20 years experience, have worked in a variety of industries and I have a broad technical skillset including database management, computer programming, business intelligence, statistics and geospatial analysis.

    I guess my points of differentiation are my broad skilset and experience, there appears to be a demand for this sort of service and most of the people working in this area are attached to one product or solution. An independent advisor would be attractive to some organisations.

    I would potentially like to expand the scope to include some areas that I have been working on some tools that I may market in the future.

    Hope this provides further clarity.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    If you're selling yourself, then why not simply use your name for the business?

    Small Business Analytics
  • Posted bychiron34on Accepted
    I think Jay has hit the nail on the head with his option to use your name. Within that framework, here is an alternative proposal you might like:

    It's your Data, I just help you to use it for business success!
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    And the important and unique benefit your clients can expect when they hire you is ... ?

    How will your clients' lives be better after they've hired you? What can they look forward to? What important itch do you scratch?
  • Posted bytyeanalyticson Author
    Thanks for the great feedback everyone. I think I'll go with something simple like the John Smith Analytics suggestions. I feel I still need to be a little more targetted in my niche marketing. I'm putting together a survey to get more focus.

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