
Topic: Strategy

How Can I Attract More Customers? (toys)

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We specialize on educational, clever toys. We Have 5 different branches in 3 major cities. We would like to increase our custmer number & loyalty.

How can I encourage my branches to reach my goals?
I'm usually use to e-marketing, catalogs, brochures, fliers, magazines & envelopes.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    我建议你先了解什么是博士iving your sales now. Learn all you can about your target audience ... from first-hand interviews and from some professionally-conducted market research.

    Your question suggests that you want to PUSH more business to the market through the branches. Instead try generating PULL from your end-user customers. In the long run that's the real solution.

    你quesiton was about what YOU want to do ... increase customer loyalty, etc. The question should be, "What needs do my customers have that are not being met by the marketplace today? And how can I satisfy those needs profitably."
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    Are you doing any advertising to the end-user? That might be one way to increase demand, and add to the PULL that Michael mentions above.

    Also look at the incentives you give your branches.

    What motivates the staff to get the sale when customers walk in the store - are they actually selling, or just standing around helplessly?

    Try visiting the branches - better still send "Mystery Shoppers" to gain an understanding of the experience the customer receives when they visit.

    Be very self-critical - what can YOU do to make the customer experience more rewarding, so the customer is more likely to BUY?

    Good Luck!

  • Posted byMushfique Manzooron Accepted
    hi there

    great response from the experts above. i agree with experts that you should also create a PULL apart from your current Pull.

    however, my 2 cents...

    1. who are your target age group?? usually kids are purchase-influencers whereas the parents are Purchase-Decision maker. so try to tap into the psyche of both Purchase-Influencer and Purchase-Decision Makers, otherwise you will loose out on any side.

    2. did you ever find out what the customer wants from your toys? like i mentioned above, this WANT is different from Kids and Parents perspective. while the parents want "Educational Toys", kids want "Exciting Toys". do you have "Exciting Toys that are Educational" or "Exciting Educational Toys"

    3. also the concern is how are you communicating those toys to the consumers. if communicate as "Exciting Educational Toys" that will interest the parents more rather than the kids. So you have to create a balance the "educational" and "excitement" element in your toys to hook both the target audience type.

    IMHO, the key lies in understanding the WANT/NEED of the consumers (both Parents and Kids) as well as properly communicating that. Also both the target sect must see, feel the benefit. use the "Mystery-Shopper" as mentioned by ChrisB in this regard.

    now coming to create some hype in the consumers mind, can you organize a Contest in your stores on some Exciting-EduToys? how about having a contest of MonoPoly or Rubiks Cube to create some excitement in the kids as well as parents.

    thats all based on whatever info you have given us. hope this helps.


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