
Topic: Research/Metrics

Experience With Omniture Or Coremetrics?

Posted byCraig.Dowleyon 250 Points
We are in the process of replacing our existing web analytics system and have narrowed down our choices to Omniture Site Catalyst and Coremetrics.

If you have worked with either of these two services could you provide us with feedback on your experience? Specifically we would be interested in hearing more about their customer service, response time and consulting support.

How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the product?


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  • Posted byHouhaakson Accepted
    你为什么不尝试Snoobi,一个非常优雅的芬兰product (no commercial interest...)
  • Posted bycharles.burrowson Accepted
    I've been through a long review and pitch process taking around a year, covering all major analytics providers.

    I can say that Coremetrics is a decent service and if you need greater guarantees, support and bespoke capabilities than Google Analytics can offer (and I would consider their premium service if you have not already), then they are a recommendable service.

    Omniture is a very impressive-looking service but they felt very much like a large-scale corporate provider when we spoke to them. I would be wary of their slick sales patter and make sure they are willing to understand your needs precisely and not just try to sell you their branded product range.

    The main areas of concern (quality implementation and understanding of how to tag to achieve all desired outputs) will apply to whichever provider you take on. Make sure you know your requirements (current and future, extensively documented and understood) inside out, and make sure they know what these are and that they can meet them well in advance of any contracts, or later down the line you may regret it.

    Tip: Make sure you know your volume requirements inside out too, so you don't get stung on their "overage" fees.

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