
Topic: Research/Metrics

Competitor Assessments

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello all,

I am looking to do a complete matrix of competitors' marketing messages, positioning and advertising channels and although it's relatively easy to find the first two, how do I find out where and when a particular company is advertising, be it web (with it's multitude of advertising opportunities!), tv or print, in one go?

Suggestions for any other marketing criteria to compare against would be welcome as well.

250 whole points available for some undoubtadly quality advice (not that I expect any of the real advice givers here to care about the points anyway!)
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  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted

    Could you please contact me offline (via my profile here).


  • Posted bysteven.alkeron Accepted

    Try Romeike (Used to be Romeike and Curtiss) who do anything from a clippings agency monthly report to much more sophisticated activity monitoring in any country in the world.

    I've used them for 19 years to monitor competitor activity, with superb results.

    他们的费用保持竞争力的年代的质量ervice they provide and my pals (Nice word for competitors I know personally!) in PR management also continue to use their services.

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions
  • Posted byMushfique Manzooron Member
    hi LAmos

    to find out the advertising medium and spending of your competitors, you should talk to a Media Tracking Company.

    in my country, i used to take service one of such company. they track all the mediums that are used by various companies in all industries (although web is not that popular here). As per my requirement and industry they would provide me the necessary informations as well as estimated advertising spending done in each medium in particular month or time period.

    the reason the spending given in ESTIMATED is that the price any company pays for advertising depends on its negotiation with the media and agency rapport.

    alternatively, you can talk to a Market Research Firm, like AC Nielsen, who, to the best of my knowledge, provide tailor made data as per client request. BUt, you need to enter into an agreement with them.

    i hope that helps. sorry i cant give you any name of such company in US, but if you are interested to know such information of Bangladesh, contact me (thru' my profile), would be glad to help you :-))


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