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Email Marketing + Social Media: 1 + 1 > 2 [Slide Show]

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120920-0 Intro

Do you include social share buttons in your email campaigns? If not, you're missing out on the exponential reach of your email subscribers' personal and professional networks. It's not that theymightshare content they like—it's that they will, according to the data highlighted in aninfographic from GetResponse.

120920-1 Facebook

Facebook is the most popular network with consumers and marketers

With 800 million users, Facebook delivers a much wider audience than LinkedIn (135 million users) or Twitter (100 million users). Accordingly, most companies that use social media sharing in their emails include a link to Facebook.

120920-2 Icons

Many marketers don't include multiple sharing buttons

Over half of email marketers who use social share icons in email campaigns make do with just a single sharing button, and 40% include two share icons. But the numbers drop precipitously after that: Only 0.1% use four icons or more.

120920-3 CTR

All sharing is effective, but LinkedIn takes the CTR prize

Sharing via Facebook and Twitter nearly doubles email CTR rates—but the CTR leverage of sharing via LinkedIn is unmatched—even though the number of messages sent with LinkedIn sharing buttons plummeted 25% last year.

That drop merely "emphasizes the jump in effectiveness of the LinkedIn link," notes Hannah Andrzejewska, communication and marketing specialist for GetResponse. That's because at the same time "the CTR for emails that include [LinkedIn share buttons] has soared by almost 400%, making LinkedIn the top performer in CTR—that's a result worth fighting for," she points out.

120920-4 Marketers

然而,大多数电子邮件营销仍然不使用的社会al sharing buttons

The number of email marketers who include social sharing buttons is up 40% from last year, but it still stands at a meager 18.3%. The upside? If your rivals belong to the 81.7% majority, you have an instant competitive edge.

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Christian Gulliksenis a writer who has authored several of theGet to the Po!nt newslettersfor MarketingProfs. A former editor atRobb Report, he has also contributed toWorth,Variety,andThe Hollywood Reporter.

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