
Topic: Taglines/Names

Cute Tagline/one Liner For Mall Barricade Graphic

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points
we are a teen girls clothing chain. Our competitors are H&M, CHarlotte Russe, Forever 21, etc.

We are putting up a barricade graphic while we are under construction. I am designing this larger than life graphic but I am completely stumped on the tagline. Unfortunately our company is still too small to have an actual copy writer so as the graphic designer that's my job too. Admittedly, it's not really my thing.

我需要帮助和提出一个短暂而甜蜜的tagline that will help tell anyone that see's it what kind of store we are. We are completely new to the area and being a small store we can't really rely on people knowing we sell tops, jeans, accessories, etc.

Cute Taglines we saw on a competitors barricade-
-Coming soon, your new favorite store
-Straight from Fashion Heaven

Some ideas we came up with but i am not sold on are-
-Try us on for size and fall in love. Tops Jeans and Accessories
-Look great for less. FashionthatFits (show lifestyle with price callouts
-Amazing style, great fashion at affordable prices
-Look your best
-Street style pocketbook smart
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  • Posted bypghpromoon Accepted
    Here's a quick stab at it:

    * Your next fun wardrobe will be here soon.
    * Come back soon--We've got your jeans!
    * Countdown to fashion chic...3...2...Almost here!
    * Your Mom called. She likes our clothes.
    * Pardon us while we get dressed for fun.
    * We'll look better with makeup.
    * Love fashion? You'll LOVE us!

    -- Paul
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Dangerously Good Looking Teens Ahead
    Watch Out For Teen Fashion
  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    I'm leaning toward the "hard hat area" but can't seem to find the words.

    If you go with "unreal price reductions ahead" you're only distinguishing yourself on price.


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