She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me!

Make sure your email subscribers feel the love this Valentine's Day with some tips fromCampaigner. The email marketing service created an infographic explaining why you'll want to focus some marketing efforts on this holiday.

The graphic includes statistics about the day, including the following:

  • Approximately $18.9 billion is spent for Valentine's Day.
  • Over a quarter of consumers purchased something online last year for Valentine's Day.
  • Nearly half of consumers said they'll start Valentine's shopping in early February.

If you're already feeling behind, don't worry: The graphic suggests that even something as simple as a Valentine email with a coupon can be a treat for subscribers.

Looking for some inspiration? Check out the infographic:

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image of Laura Forer

Laura Foreris a freelance writer, email and content strategist, and crossword puzzle enthusiast. She's an assistant editor at MarketingProfs, where she manages infographic submissions, among other things.