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What are consumers' viewpoints regarding video on social media, and do marketers' social video approaches and priorities mesh with those viewpoints?

两个图表Animoto, a provider of drag-and-drop videomaking software, highlight recent research intoconsumers'andmarketers'views about social media video.

Marketers and consumers alike rank video as an excellent way to engage each other: Consumers expect to receive information from brands via social, while marketers say it's an effective way to reach social media audiences.

Moreover, both camps agree that Facebook is the leading social video platform, though consumers view YouTube as increasing in popularity.

For the actual stats behind those findings, check out the two infographics:

Continue reading "Social Video in 2020: The Viewpoints of Marketers and Consumers [2 Infographics]" ...Read the full article

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image of Vahe Habeshian

Vahe Habeshianis the director of publications atMarketingProfsand a longtime editor. Reach him

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