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Getting Flexible: Working Content into Responsive Design

Sara Wachter-Boettcher
Jennifer Kelly
Thu., Apr 18, 2013 12pm ET (9am PT)
90 minutes
This online marketing seminar received 5 star(s)

Responsive design is about more than adjusting layouts for smartphones and tablets. It's about adopting a flexible mindset�and that means rethinking your content, too. To create sites that shift and reshape without losing their meaning and marketing value, you need to know which messages are critical to meeting both your own business goals and your users' needs, and how content elements should work together to communicate them.

This PRO seminar will teach you how to incorporate your content strategy into responsive design effectively. You'll learn why content strategy is critical to your success, how to keep your calls to action in tact, and more!


Sara Wachter-Boettcheris a content strategist, writer, and editor. Her work focuses on designing systems for flexible, future-friendly content. Her first book,Content Everywhere, is out now from Rosenfeld Media. When she isn't consulting with clients or partnering with agencies, Sara serves as editor-in-chief ofA List Apart, a magazine about web content, culture, and code. She also contributes to publications likeContents, andThe Pastry Box Project, and speaks about content strategy, user experience, and related topics at conferences worldwide.

Who Should Attend?

Responsive design is more than just adjusting layouts for mobile devices. Anyone curious about adaptable content and responsive design should definitely make time for this enlightening PRO seminar.

What Will You Learn?

  • Why content strategy is critical to doing responsive right
  • 你需要做些什么来让你的内容是一家rity and calls to action intact
  • How a content-focused workflow can keep you from endless design changes


Content Everywhere20 lucky winners will be chosen at random to win a free copy of Sara's book,Content Everywhere. This book will help you break the bad habit of fixed, single-purpose content, and focus more on making it future-ready, flexible, and reusable. To qualify, simply complete the short survey at the end of the live Q&A session.

PRO members are also eligible for a 25% discount off Sara's book, and many others, by using codeMARKETINGPROFSat the publisher's website. Offer expires July 18, 2013.

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