
Topic: Career/Training

Marketing Interview With Pepsi

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi Everyone,

I have been preparing for this interview latley and just wanted to know if anyone had any expierence experience being interviewed for marketing positions with Pepsi. I have no idea what the interview will be like. I assume it will be STAR or behavioural. I have done a lot of prep for this type of interview. I have also tried to get an idea of what the culture is like there and still don't have a clear idea. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I have to kill this interview or I will be unemployed for the rest of the summer. I excited at this opportunity and I got to make it happen.

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  • Posted on Accepted
    I'll assume that you've covered the research basics and know who you'll be interviewing with...otherwise, Pepsi is not much different than any other large corporate entity. Know their numbers and be prepared with some creative ideas about their brands. There's a fine balancing act of boldness and graciousness during this type of interview, but always behave in a manner that emulates the people doing the interviewing...and be comfortable with yourself. Sounds easy, but takes practice. If you have someone you can do a mock-interview with, you will probably benefit in the level of confidence you'll have.

    Good luck,
    Debi Brady
    Writing & Marketing Consultant
  • Posted byDeremiah *CPEon Accepted

    I hope you're having a great day!

    Although like Debrady I have not interviewed with pepsi I agree job interviewing in our day and age is about maintaining balance.

    Your interviewer wants to hear you express confidence and humility...boldness and graciousness. They want to see you reflect strong leadership coupled with the ability to be an equally good follower. All the time they will be listening to your verbal communication skills and hoping that your written communication skills in letters, memos and emails is just as considerate and to the point without being overbearing.

    good interviews are like roller coaster don't know what to expect or where the drops and turns occur.
    But you have to be ready to sometimes hold on tight and at other times let go. What's very important at an interview is that it appears you are free and that you are with holding nothing back. Remember our only real problem is our failure to be more creative than we’ve ever been before. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL create your future. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted on Member
    Well put, Deremiah...balance also extends to your own situation. Don't sacrifice your personal life in order to convince the interviewer(s) that you'll be willing to work at all hours of the day...they will find that suspect anyway. Also, be willing to walk away. This will make you more relaxed, but not so much that you seem dismissive.

    Good luck...let us know how it goes!
    Debi Brady

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