
Topic: Career/Training

How Can I Best Transition From Professional Services Marketing To Cpg?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My career history includes 3 years with an industrial manufacturer and 2-1/2 years with a professional services firm - most recently in a marketing management capacity. I want to continue professionally in the CPG industry. I've found that most firms - particuarly the big ones - are looking for candidates with an MBA (I have a BS in Marketing Management), and prior CPG experience. Given my background and education, how can I best navigate the transition?

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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    I have found that smaller firms are generally a lot more flexible about what they will accept - perhaps you should focus there. If you really want to work for a large firm, you can then take your small firm CPG experience and build on that to go to a large firm.
  • Posted byDeremiah *CPEon Accepted

    我只能告诉你,如果我可以从一个Accountant to a very successful salesman then consultant it's possible for you to make the transition. I'm not going to get into the specifics of your situation but I'm going to put it to you like this so please listen closely. (The more things change the more they stay the same).

    Whenever you are making transitions between jobs you must first:

    Feel that you can make the transition because if you can believe it, it can happen for you.

    Next you must get to a place of confidence where you know you deserve to make the transition and that it will be a better move than where you currently are. This part is crucial...Know that it will be a better move not only for you but for everyone else you come in contact with. (See this new job as more than a job but something you were called to do...i.e., it's your calling.)

    Now begin to look for the things that your old work has in common with your new anticipated job. Can you see the relationships? If you can't neither will others. So start seeing how one thing relates to the next. You'll be surprised if you just get a piece of paper and right these things down right now. Why wait? Al, there are a lot more things that your current job has with the one you're about to get.

    Once you are able to see the relationships and make the connections...Now you must learn to master communicating these similaritys to others. If you have to use analogies and metaphors to help you make the verbal links in language do that. Learn to make analogies and metaphors serve you well.

    I know this stuff works because I've tested it over and over and over again.

    Benjamin Franklin once said "that if the facts don't support your theory change your theory". So if you're having trouble making the transition keep changing your theory until you're hired. I won't say best of luck because life is a game of skill. Al be skillful. You're about to make the transition. The question is CAN YOU SEE IT. I can and you deserve it. Thanks for letting me serve you. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE

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