
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Tagline/campaign For Local Telecom Company

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am working for a local telecommunications company to come up with a new campaign and tagline. They started about 12 years ago and have had pretty much the same tagline, look and feel since then. Their main focus is their business clients. They do have residential clients but that is not their niche. They want to be the go-to source for local businesses and their telecommunication needs. One thing that is huge where they are located is the fact that they provide broadband... which is still not available to everyone here. They do not want anything with humor in it. They are a very serious company.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    The Broadband advantage for Business

    Big City Broadband, Friendly Local Service

    Business Broadband with the local touch.
  • Posted on Author
    I like the top one, since it also mentions business. The broadband aspect is very important. They want to be known as the fiber optic technology people... but broadband isn't all they provide... They handle email, hosting, phone, internet, networking, etc... I am not sure that all of that can be combined and still stress broadband.

    Thank you for your feedback though. I actually really like #2 as well.

  • Posted on Member
    Business Communication Solutions - Broadband Available

    Business Communication Solutions- Broadband included

  • Posted on Author
    I like the "Business Communication Solutions" That is pretty all encompassing... but I am not sure I like the end part. I don't think it really fits. It seems like an afterthought. I wonder if there is a way to combine the two thoughts. I know it's hard because on one hand I want to say that they handle everything... and then on the other I want to say "by the way" they have broadband. That's the problem I am running into - stressing both and making them fit together. I think your idea has some def. possibilities. Now I need to figure out how to make them fit in one cohesive idea.

  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Member
    A broad selection of business services, including broadband
    Business communications from broadband to voice.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I am still struggling with this one but I appreciate your help.


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