
Topic: Taglines/Names

Catchphrase For A Mortgage Loan Officer

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I would like a memorable, clever and simple phrase to say when I am done presenting or speaking to a group. I am a mortgage loan officer with a major bank. I want to instill trust and confidence in my abilities and possibly use the words "money" or "mortgage."

Thank you
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  • Posted on Accepted
    When I think of how I feel about mortgage officers, one of the things that comes to mind is good advice. I'm a word person. Not a mortgage banker. Whenever I have any medical work done, my doctor or my dentist, who both are friends, always say, "This is what I'd tell Karen to do." That seals it for me. I trust their judgement -- not just as a doctor but as a friend.

    Why not let your customers know that you are in this together. You are not Fast Buck Freddie (Mac). Your business success depends on how great a job you do for them, how successful they are. You want every mortage loan you sign to be the "best deal yet", and the one they can afford. How about . . .
    Your mortgage is our reputation
    Our reputation is to your good credit
    Your Good Mortgage is Our Good Credit

    Suzi McCoy

  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Accepted
    I had the pleasure of working with an excellent mortgage broker when I bought a house eight years ago. He never said this out loud, but the message was implied in his every action.

    "I'm on your side."

    Hope that helps!
  • Posted byPhx SCon Accepted
    I like where Susan is going with "Our reputation is to your good credit."

    I get the feeling, though, that you need an all-encompassing line for addressing fellow mortgage professionals in industry presentations.

    In the big picture, mortgages are a means for achieving something greater. It's not just a roof over our heads, but a lifestyle.

    "Here's to achieving dreams"
    "Mortgages make dreams possible"

  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    Advice you can take to the bank.
    In today's climate you need to trust your mortgage broker.
    A mortgage broker that is not broke.
  • Posted byjcmedinaveon Accepted
    The home give worth to the money
    The Mortgage give worth to you and your home
    Give us the chance to serve you

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