
Topic: Taglines/Names

*** Ministry Name ***

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear friends,

After successfully setting up various ministry websites the last few weeks, I have the last question to ask in this "series...

I am seeking a good, catchy name for a ministry.

Many popular ministries use the name of the person (leader) e.g. Joyce Meyer-, Benny Hinn-, Kenneth Copeland-, Joel Osteen Ministries etc. Then you also get the popular name - Revival International Ministries...

I would like to have one name for everything in the ministry. In other words, this "ministry name" should one day be used for the name of church, Bible School, Business etc. E.g. let's say I use a Christian symbol "fire".

Then it should be:
Fire Ministries (Ministry Name)
Fire Bible School (Bible Schoool)
Fire Media, Fire Broadband, Fire Communications (Business)

These are just examples and I have no intention on using the term "fire".

I would have wanted to use my surname "Davis", but it simply wouldn't sound good. I also tried adding a "h", to make it "Davish", which sounds like "lavish", but I am unsure whether or not to use this.

Background: My wife and I will both lead this ministry. Our vision is to Evangelize - Equip - Enrich (or Encourage).

I would really appreciate your thoughts on this, as I have heard many suggestions from people in church, but none sound like something worthwhile.

Thanks for your suggestions

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  • Posted bybill.hallon Accepted
    How about some of the following ideas:

    Words for Living
    The Living Word
    Living Words
    The Word
    Good Deeds
    Future Ministries
    Mission Ministry

    Hope that helps get the brainstorming going!
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Some other words for your consideration:
    * Amen
    * IHS or IHC (abbreviation of Greek Name Jesus)
    * Pax
    * Sanctus
    * VITA
  • Posted byLevonon Member
    我认为火是代表和视觉hell as in hellfire. What about something more inline with heavenly like clouds, sky, white, satin, etc?
  • Posted on Author

    Whilst this is not a debate forum, I felt I needed to reply to your "comment".

    In Christianity you do get something called the "fire of God" - which I cannot explain, unless you have experienced it. But it is the extremely powerful movement of God.

    Why would some people think that Christianity is a la-di-da "religion" with cute puppies, clouds, soft wool, white snow etc. God is real and not a "pie in the sky" as some people choose to think...

    Thanks to everyone else for your comments...Keep them coming ;-)

  • Posted byLevonon Member
    Hi Kevin,

    I think that is a hard one to explain to many do to re-enforement through film, media and popular culture. I think you will be spending a lot of effort explaining your name. However that in its self may become part of your marketing.

  • Posted bybrowncatfanon Accepted
    First of all, let's lose the "Fire" discussion. He was only using it as an example of how the name should work, anyway, and specifically SAID he was not intending to really USE it.

    How about...

    Spirit. (Where the fire comes from...)
    Go Forth.
    The Lord Works...
    Lord's Work.
    Casting Nets.
    Fisher. (A Davis-type surname, but with extra meaning.)
  • Posted bybrowncatfanon Member
    First of all, let's lose the "Fire" discussion. He was only using it as an example of how the name should work, anyway, and specifically SAID he was not intending to really USE it.

    How about...

    Spirit. (Where the fire comes from...)
    Go Forth.
    The Lord Works...
    Lord's Work.
    Casting Nets.
    Fisher. (A Davis-type surname, but with extra meaning.)
  • Posted bybrowncatfanon Member
    Sorry for the double post. Not sure what happened.
  • Posted byprhyatton Accepted
    Hi, Kevin-

    I don't know what your denominational affiliation is, but I have a couple of suggestions:

    Triune Ministries: Encouraging, Equipping, Evangelizing
    (You could use "Trinity" the same way; however that word is pretty common and would not stand out as much).

    Since you are using Web sites, maybe something like
    Ministry 2.0
    Evangelism 2.0 (if that is your focus)

    I would respectfully advise against using your name in the title. Often when ministry leaders do this, it gives the impression that the ministry is more about the minister than it is about God.

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