
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Names For An Insurance Broker Seminar

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi, We are an insurance company which has recently launched its operations. We are planning to organise a dinner meet with all our broker clients. The invitees will include MDs and CEOs of renowned broker companies. The name needs to be something which will be symbolic of our new partnership and look forward to our long term association / relationship with them. Hope this will suffice. Pls help!
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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    For us to do a good job for you, we will need a little more information. Such as, a description of the new partnership, what problem does it solve, who will benefit from it and why, your location and any more info that might help us better understand this situation.


  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    You need to answer Steve's questions if we're to be any help to you. It sounds like you have a serious need, and we would be irresponsible to just throw out names without understanding your situation in more detail.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Steve, thanks for responding. Just to answer the questions you have raised. Through this partnership, the insurance brokers will be selling our products to corporates and individuals who are their members. In turn, these brokers will receive commission. The beneficiaries of this partnership will be both the parties involved i.e. - our company as well as the brokers. Our company is based in India. Do let me know in case you require any further information.
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    谢谢你的更新信息Priya。我仍然没有getting the reason the corporations and more importantly the individual policyholders will benefit. Do they get lower costs, better coverage, better service over and above what the competition is offering? And why? What is the credible reason that the policyholders can understand.


  • Posted on Author
    The brokers are essentially corporate agents. They sell policies of multiple insurance companies. the only thing which motivates them to sell products of a particular insurance company is higher commission. hence the insurance company needs to keep these brokers happy by hosting parties, gifting them, etc. So this party which we are looking at hosting is our 1st party for these brokers since the launch of our company. it is to signal the start of a favourable partnership. the name needs to be something which takls about a positive partnership / beginning of a new relationship.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Insuring Our Future
    To Our 2011 Insurance Launch $ucce$$
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Jay!

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