
Topic: Advertising/PR

How To Sell And Market Golf Seminars ?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
My partner and I are both teaching Golf Professionals. He has DVDs and a book written. We are planning to expand our classes to overseas. I have friends from that region but no real idea on where to start. Do we hire an event managment company or a Marketing/PR company? What sort of expenses are we looking at?
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    The golf training niche is EXTREMELY competitive. To make headway you'd do well to look for sub niches WITHIN the main "golf training" niche and do a great deal of keyword research BEFORE you hire anyone.

    Even before THAT, you need to know who your ideal customer is, what that person's looking for, and just how you and your partner can not just deliver but OVER deliver in terms of offering a solid result IN ADVANCE, before your prospect signs up with you.

    There's also no reason why you couldn't deliver all your training via a website. Offer the book as a lead generation tool and the videos on your DVD as a continuity program.

  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    After you determine your niche (sub-niche), locate a publicist who is connected and well-versed in sports nd ideally, the golf industry. You will want to get your information out via traditional and electronic media, including social media that attracts your niche.
  • Posted bymarc.bodneron Accepted
    网上在线研讨会很容易做,特别是you already have the content. Promotion is the key and digital media is the way to go. I know a bit about your space (I'm a 6-handicap) and have done volunteer classes for kids on the basics of the game.

    费用a different discussion. Before you can get an answer with any real credibility an understanding of your objectives would be required. It would be helpful to understand your current marketing and how that is performing as well.

    I'd be happy to give you some direction and guidance. You can contact me (removed due to policy)

    This is not a sales pitch, just very interested in the business segment and like to offer guidance to repay those who assisted me in launching businesses.

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