
Topic: Taglines/Names

Something Seems To Be Missing.. [bakery Name Idea]

Posted byashxmarieon 500 Points
I have always loved business, and being a student, I don't have the money right now to start my own retail just yet. I thought it would be a fun side project to start a dog bakery at home sort of thing. Being a big dog lover, I've had some cute names running through my mind and I've come up with the name "Cinnamutt" or "Cocomutt"; since ground cinnamon and finely grated coconut can be used in doggie desserts. I just feel like there is something missing perhaps? I just don't know what else I would add on to the name.

I've already thought of a lovely mascot to go along with the theme of things. Sort of a cute, vintage type of feel to it. All sorts of doggie creations will be served as long as creativity allows. Please help me brainstorm for a catchy add-on or even a new rendition of my name idea.

Thank you so much for the advice!
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  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    While both those names are cute, do they immediately make it clear to the viewer (in a shop or supermarket) what they are and that they are intended for consumption by pets?

    My initial concern for your proposed business is not the name, but your route to market.

    How do you propose to get these dog foods or dog treats to the market?

    What's your value proposition to the buyer?

    If I saw these dog treats on the supermarket shelf, what would make me buy one?
  • Posted byashxmarieon Author
    我在一只狗工作业务和销售m from word of mouth, perhaps some showcasing from the owner of my work. I'm not really looking to make a large profit or even start a true business/store around the dog desserts, just sort of a side job, I suppose. Something to keep me busy and entertained.

    I just wanted a cute brand name for them.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    "Mutt" sounds a little low-class to me, probably not your target market. Perhaps "Cinnabone" (a take off on Cinnabon, which may land you a letter from their lawyers)? Or, Canine Sweet Tooth?
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Before getting too excited about a cute anything, let alone
    a name (which in and of itself is not a brand), you need buyers: you need a market that craves your product. You need to know that people will think enough of your dog treats to make your making of them worth your while.
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    Mutt Whats, Dog Treats
    mutt n' crunch
    mutt n' honey
    mutt n' munch
  • Posted byclaykkelleron Accepted
    Call your company simply PAWS. Your tag line could be something like "When you love your pet enough to give them PAWS". Playing off pause.


    They are so good they will have your pet begging PAWleeze.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I love cute as much as the next person, but what you really need is a reason for someone to purchase your treats.

    I have done some quick research on your behalf and hope you will consider the angle of health and organic ingredients in your marketing.

    Consider having both treats available ("Cinnamutt" & "Cocomutt") and use health information on the packaging. Now you have 2 products and a reason for interest.
    Here are some tag lines for your consideration...
    或ganic Doggy Delicacies
    Healthy Mutt Munchies
    Natural Baked Biscuits
    Dog desserts for fit pups
    Treats for the health of your best friend.

    Good luck!
  • Posted byashxmarieon Author
    ""Mutt" sounds a little low-class to me, probably not your target market."

    Actually, most of the clients at my current job own mutts, not purebreds. Which is surprising, considering it's a dog daycare.

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