
Topic: Website Critique

Does The Problem Lie With The Web Site?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We've doubled CTRs on Adwords (and they're good clicks, genuine interest in security bars) but no increase in phone calls. This could be due to fear of buying products sight unseen, but I'm thinking the problem lies with the site.
I'd appreciate any feedback. My feeling is that we are not focusing on the benefit of the window bars (peace of mind). Instead, we're getting too detailed with the features, perhaps turning people off.

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  • Posted byDeremiah *CPEon Member

    I agree wholeheartedly with you. There are not enough benefits and too many details. My biggest concern has been amplified in my two colleagues responses. Who are you selling to?

    Are you selling to builders of homes? or
    Are you selling to home owners?

    In my five years selling Security products for SBC AMERITECH I learned from some of the top sells people in the country that you always sell the benefits more than the raw, unattractive details.

    Wholesale Detail - Retail Resale
    When we were sold the demonstrations on the product account reps talked about the details of the devices because we needed to understand the range of protection. But when we sold to our customers they did not want to hear these dry statistics. All motion detectors were the same to them but we had to educate the client on how these specific details would benefit them from external burglary or internal burglary.

    Besides what was said above you need to also consider the tangible benefits to the customers. Protect your loved ones from burglary and at the same time your valuable Jewelry, Computers and family heirlooms with the security protection only Mr. Goodbar can bring you. Yes you need to create the peace of mind but the fear aspect is rolled up in the abscence of Mr. Goodbar protection. Is there anything else I can do for you? Click my profile and send me an email if you like anytime after you close this question.

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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