
Topic: Other

Webinars Vs. Research Papers

Posted bythao.ngoon 125 Points
For the B2B audience, do you think sending prospects research papers are more effective than sending webinar invitations (same topic)? Which is likely going to generate more interest?
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    You will need to test this with your audience and your material. Both can be effective, and which works best for you is not something we can determine a priori.
  • Posted bywnelsonon Accepted
    Expanding a bit on what Mr. Goodman provided:

    First, your question is a lot like asking which is the best color - green or blue? Unless you have specifics, there's no one answer that universally fits all circumstances.

    Second, if you want to know which is better, you need to ask your customers which they would find useful - not a bunch of marketing folks who don't live your customer's world.

    Third, NEITHER will be successful if you don't ask your customers what they want to SEE in a research paper or a webinar.

    My recommendation - don't ask us, ask your target customers which they would prefer - research papers, webinars, both, neither, something else - and what they would like to have more information on if they want it at all.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted bythao.ngoon Author
    Thanks Wayde. Yes we already have a survey in progress. I'm reaching out to marketing peers as well to see additional data :)
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    People who prefer to read information at their leisure and speed would opt for research papers. People who prefer to attend classes and listen to a speaker present, would opt for the webinar. As a rule, woman prefer classes over research papers and scientists/engineers prefer research papers instead of classes.
  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    Personally, I get frustrated with webinars. Even if they are well done they take too long. I want something I can look at at the airport. That's more of a survey response.

    I read whatever I get but I often don't "attend" the webinars I sign up for.


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