Burn Out, Retention & You: Register for The Future-Proofed Career with President Val Witt & CCO Ann Handley, April 26
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What's not to like? 24/7 customer service, greater capacity to handle customer inquiries, fewer operational expenses, improved customer satisfaction... But there are also some challenges to using chatbots.

For one, it's not necessarily easy to ensure your chatbot is effective, and there are concerns about privacy and security.

But, chances are, the benefits of chatbots will outweigh the concerns, since you can take steps to alleviate the latter.

数字营销顾问Shane Barkerhas created an overview of chatbot, including a couple of major categories, as well as chatbot benefits and challenges, delving into each of those.

For more, check outhis postand also the infographic, below:

Chatbot advantages and challenges infographic

Sign up for free to read the full article.Continue reading "Chatbot Advantages and Challenges [Infographic]" ...Read the full article

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image of Vahe Habeshian

Vahe Habeshianis the director of publications atMarketingProfsand a longtime editor. Reach him viavahe@marketingprofs.com.

LinkedIn:Vahe Habeshian
