
Topic: Strategy

Easy Ways To Compare Marketing Effectiveness?

Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on 125 Points
I am looking for easy ways to compare 2 different companies and get a feel for how effective their marketing is. Companies are generally smaller, private companies which I can not get insider knowledge of.

Ways I know of:
- compare number of Google hits on product and company names
- review the hits on their product and company names to see the types of things they are doing (articles written, discussion groups involved with, etc.).
- compare Google page rankings
——比较page rankings for key words

Any other ideas ofEASYmethods to compare two companies and get a feel for which is doing better?
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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Author
    The comparisons I want to do right now are direct competitors, but I am also asking this for more general knowledge. But I think it is safe to assume that the companies are in the same 'space', if not direct competitors.
  • Posted bytelemoxieon Member
    Are the companies local? Can you visit them? If you visit their office, you may learn a wealth of information (what kind of cars do the employees drive, how do the offices look, are the people happy... etc.)

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