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甚至在大流行之前,营销人员都在数据和分析支出狂潮。然后是大流行accelerated technology adoption由于转向数字外展。


Martech spending wasn't the only trend that picked up speed in 2020 and into 2021: More marketers than ever before have adopted Agile methods,breaking the 50% mark首次。

Just like martech that helps B2B marketing teams manage digital outreach, Agile marketing—with its emphasis on sprints—is a good fit for the B2B business environment.

但是,如果您专注于最大化B2B Martech投资的回报,并确保敏捷技术在潜在客户和收入中获得回报,那么您将需要一项策略来整合您点解决方案的数据,并使单个真理来源保持营销和销售。您还需要测量工具来产生实时结果。

Creating an Agile B2B Martech Stack

这两种趋势的融合(Agile方法论采用和Martech Stack扩展)创造了新的紧迫性,重点是measurementin B2B marketing.


That can be a challenge for B2B marketing teams that use dozens of point solutions. Martech tools generate data metrics that are pertinent to Marketing, such as open rates and clicks. But that information isn't particularly relevant to Sales, and because B2B Agile teams are cross-functional and usually include sales ops, B2B marketers need more compelling data.

这就是一个真理来源的地方,在B2B公司CRM系统makes the most sense.


To link marketing campaigns to leads and revenue, you can funnel data from lead gen and marketing automation solutions into the CRM using a measurement system that is native to the CRM. The best approach is to measure leads through the sales funnel and use attribution models to account for revenue.

The Measurement Sprint


敏捷营销堆栈与measurement tools inside the CRM (as previously described) solves the problem for you by tracking lead progress through the funnel and returning real-time data. But it's worthwhile to run a concurrent sprint that focuses solely on measurement.

In ameasurement sprint,跨职能团队(例如,包括营销行动,销售行动,需求生长,销售开发等)可以检查活动中的数据并根据需要采取行动,以确保竞选活动达到其目标。

Here's how that sprint might look in a series of steps:

  1. Hold short, frequent meetings (matched to the cadence of the campaign sprint) to examine execution, funnel metrics, and attribution data, and to surface outliers for further investigation.
  2. Assess progress as related to project goals and determine campaign performance status—i.e., whether it's exceeding or not attaining project KPIs.
  3. 具有营销审查潜在客户量,速度和转换率,并具有销售评估潜在客户质量。
  4. Wrap up each meeting by resolving questions and assigning action items for issues that could not be resolved during the meeting.

The measurement sprint process will be repeated at predetermined intervals throughout the duration of the agile project sprint.


If you're looking at further investments in B2B martech while increasing your focus on Agile methods, it's crucial to stand up a single source of truth about data for ultimate success—whether you're running a streamlined martech stack or one that includes dozens of point solutions that produce massive amounts of data.


So, keep Agile in mind as you contemplate B2B martech investments. We're still assessing the pandemic's long-term effects on business activities, but it's clear that digital-first outreach is here to stay.


通过使用正确的测量工具并建立单个真理,您可以最大化B2B Martech投资回报。

More Resources on B2B Martech and Agile Marketing

The Three Crucial Steps to Building a Modern Marketing Stack



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image of Bonnie Crater

Bonnie Crater是联合创始人兼总裁兼首席执行官完整的圆形见解, which delivers sales and marketing performance management solutions to optimize a company's marketing mix and drive more revenue.

LinkedIn:Bonnie Crater
