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Whether you're hosting a marketing department gathering, company meeting, or an industry conference, planning an event requires organization and plenty of time for preparation. Without prioritization, for example, your to-do list will quickly become overwhelming.

AninfographicfromChâteau Le Jardin, an event venue and conference center in Toronto, outlines useful information every marketer should know.

Event planners' main concern when planning is budget, followed by the need to come up with new ideas; attendees' priorities are to network and to learn; and the vast majority of planners base event success on the level of attendee satisfaction, according to data cited in the infographic.

The infographics also lays out how event planners increase reach—i.e., what marketing channels they use—and how they select venues, as well as a 10-month timeline and checklist of tasks to complete.

See what event planners have to say about putting together a successful event.

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image of Vahe Habeshian

Vahe Habeshianis the director of publications atMarketingProfsand a longtime editor. Reach him

LinkedIn:Vahe Habeshian
