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One of the most critical aspects of any successful marketing campaign is knowing your audience.

It seems simple, but after initial concept development, multiple iterations of creative, and layers of approvals, it's easy to lose sight of exactly whom you're talking to.

It doesn't matter whether you're promoting a local nonprofit, selling tires, or offering Web development services; if you aren't up to speed with who your target audience is and what it wants, even the most expertly crafted messaging is going to fall flat.



  • They have specific—and often unique—problems they are looking to solve.
  • 他们已经有了牢固的预算和范围。
  • They're willing to do extensive research on your company (and your competitors) before making a decision.
  • They are expecting you to clearly illustratewhat makes your business different from others, and why yours is the right choice for them.


We already know that understanding your audience as precisely as possible is paramount, but that's just the beginning. It's what you do with that knowledge that determines the success of your campaign.


1. Create a compelling story

它可能是b2b,but humans run businesses. Your campaigns have to be compelling to compete with all the messages people are inundated with. So, frequently we think about what story我们want to tell about our business instead of the story our readers want to hear.

您的营销必须在某种程度上有所帮助。Jay Baer's "Youtility" concept深入探索这个想法。

Be relatable. Make it easy for your intended audience to both learn from your marketing and take the next step in the buyer's journey.



Whether your KPIs are connected to brand awareness, lead generation, reputation management, or increased conversions, determine them ahead of time. Doing so will not only help drive thoughtful, purpose-based strategies but also allow you to understand what worked and what needs further consideration the next time you launch a campaign.

Not sure where to start? The first step isunderstanding your metrics。A lot of energy is wasted on metrics that don't mean much in the grand scheme of your campaign. Know what metric matters most and how it contributes to meeting your goals.


OK, so you understand who your audience is, you are positioning yourself properly, and you are telling a relatable, compelling story... but is anyone seeing it?



查找在Google上在大量服务区域关键字上排名较高的网站,可以让您的关键受众搜索这些关键字,例如“best digital marketing agencies," to find you easily, should you be included on these types of lists.

4. Throw fuel on the fire with LinkedIn

Social media marketing is primed for content distribution. LinkedIn allows you to target your buyers when they are in a business mindset, and by building a matched audience with intent data you can use Conversational Ads on LinkedIn to directly target the inbox of potential customers who you know have an interest in your product or service.






Build a successful B2B marketing campaign that gets real results

Although many of the core concepts are similar between B2C and B2B marketing, there are nuances in the B2B space that you have to key in on for your campaign to really take off and perform as well as—or better than—you expect.




More Resources on Successful B2B Marketing Campaigns

How to Manage a Successful Marketing Campaign That Meets Your Objectives


10 Demand-Gen Campaign 'Gotchas' to Overcome for Flawless Marketing Automation Execution

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Heidi Sullivanis the senior vice-president of product & marketing for上城,B2B服务公司。在此之前,她在Cision担任各种执行职务13年。

LinkedIn:Heidi Sullivan